An official team of Performer Duelists, with Aes as the team's captain, Jack as the co-captain, Rayne as the No.1 Ace and Luna as the No.2 Ace.
A group of capable duelists with great prowess, with how 3/4 of the team could be considered the aces of their team.
Team Story
The team started off with Aes and Jack. Then with Aes' connections, she recruited Luna to her team. Then Aes eventually recruited Rayne afterwards.
- Aes: The captain, and the No.3 Ace.
- Jack: The weaponmaker of the team, and the co-captain.
- Luna: The No.2 Ace.
- Rayne: The No.1 Ace.
- aes and jack are childhood friends who trust each other very much! jack is pretty much aes' right hand woman. jack doesn't really duel and puts more focus on weaponmaking, and aes refuses to replace her and chooses to recruit the powerful duelists for her team instead
- luna is the first one who got recruited by aes! luna admires aes' ambitions and dedication in making a team who aims for the top, so luna pretty much reaches out to aes-jack, then aes lets her join them!
- luna and jack have this dynamic where their personalities are at odds with each other at first, but they grow to care about each other (luna is still kind of a jerk to jack but she would beat the person who looks down on jack) (jack on the other hand, usually sucks it up when it comes to her. not much spite/annoying coming from her)
- and now, rayne comes to the image. aes chooses to recruit rayne, due to her status as one of the long-lasting top duelists at time, so she pretty much has a lot of faith in rayne's abilities and all. rayne on the other hand, finds aes' ambitions and sentiment amusing, and so she just joins them mainly for lols (rayne will develop attachment to the team eventually)
- rayne finds luna the most fun one to annoy/bother. luna is ANNOYED as hell by her.
- jack is also another annoyance/bothering target for rayne. finds her slightly less fun bc she's more much passive, rather than luna who replies with aggression
- Aes handles the entire management stuff. Though if she were to duel, she would let Jack manage the team in her place.
- Jack is the meditiator of the team yeah
- I came up with this team's characters to be rivals with Team Tempest. Just giving them some sort of opposing forces :)
- I came up with the concept for Rayne first, then Luna, then Aes and Jack