A page dedicated for links and such. Including site buttons (to be added sometime), links to useful resources I owe my life to, neat sites, and such.
Site Buttons
Buttons for other cool sites!
Feel free to ask me to add your site's button on here, update the button/site link, or anything like that!
My Site's Button
If you want to, feel free to download the button and host them on your site!
(I might make more buttons for fun and put them here too, who knows?)
Webmaster Stuff
- W3Schools: A resource for HTML/CSS/Javascript!
- MDN Web Docs: A resource for website development in general! Also includes website accessbility, performance, and stuff.
- Pure.css: A collection of CSS modules to use! I use Pure's grids a lot here.
- Feather: A collection of open-source icons for websites!
- William Nguyen's Head Model: A head model to be used as light reference tool!
- POSEMANIACS: A collection of 3d poses for art reference!!!
- Springhole.net: A site for writing resources, plus random generators and more!
- All Write Alright: A blog of writing resources and prompts!
Mental Health
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Tools: A page for DBT therapy program's skills, summed up!
- You feel like shit.: If you feel like shit, here's an interactive flow chart to guide you through self-care step by step.
- myNoise: A collection of customizable soundscapes for focus, vibes, sleep, and so on!
- Tiny Tools Directory: A big list of tools to build creative projects (websites, games, etc.)!
- Twine: A tool to make interactive stories! Pretty easy to pick up!
- bitsy: If you're down to make a simple game where you can make sprites and move your character around, bitsy's engine may be an interesting choice!
- Perchance: A site to create, share, and use random generators! Peep my Character/Worldbuilding Development Questions here.
- domino 2: A site to make your own collage boards of thoughts for stuff!
- 3dgifmaker: A site to make 3d gifs from images! I use it a lot to make Discord emojis lol
- MakeSweet: You know one of those heart-locker gifs that says something like "character name my beloved"? Here's where you can make them, and more kinds of gifs.
- Ezgif: Very versatile tool for anything gif-related.