a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

📖 Gnosis, the Deity of Knowledge

"...Ah. As I thought, they're all fools."


She/They (mainly uses feminine terms)

Godhood Status

  • Minor God
  • The Embodiments, created to assist the Gods of Psyche
  • Domain of Knowledge

Role as a God

An archivist (with an interest in assisting mortals?)


Pantheon Realm, specifically at the Knowledge Gods' Realm

Born During

The Quarrelling Gods era

A deity created by by the Gods of Psyche.

One of the Gods/Deities of Knowledge who gathers worldly knowledge to be stored in a realm, serving as a knowledge archive for the other gods.

"All's well that ends well. Don't you think?"


Unnamed Psyche Gods

Supposedly, the ones who brought Gnosis into existence and gave her a purpose as a god.

With their fairly short time together, Gnosis doesn't really have much to say about those two, nor much feelings and thoughts for them.


Their 2nd bosses.


Their 3rd bosses.


Their co-worker of sorts. A fellow God of Knowledge!


More about their relationship can be read in this page.

At first, they had nothing to do with each other. However, once Gnosis took a notice of Atlas' works as a god, they began to make friends with Atlas by giving them insights and information about the mortals.

Eventually, they became partners accompanying each other.

Infodump / Spitballing

  • created as an expy of Taden
    • canon timeline-wise, Gnosis was created way before Taden (and Paradises' Ruins)'s existence
  • the two wings at the side of their head is usually folded/closed. somewhat of an emotion signifier
  • does need rest. they pass out/hibernate for days to rest each time
  • their role as a god of knowledge makes them gain access to a mini-world to gather knowledge and observations of mortals. think of it as a pocket dimension just for knowledge gods
    • within this world, they also have their own place where they rest at (so the mortals don't catch them sleeping out of nowhere).
    • fellow knowledge gods being able to access this place (and other knowledge gods' personal places) is considered a usual occurence. however, atlas is able to access gnosis' place too.
    • (for knowledge gods, the access to their own personal places are usually reserved for the ones they trust a lot)
