a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

🖥️ Ark

A sentient android who lives in her own apartment, located somewhere at the Borders of Paradise's Ruins.


DJ Misery

Ark is fond of, protective of, and care for Misery, along with a great amount of trust towards her. Even if she's open to the idea of being in a relationship of sorts with Misery, she would never make romantic advances unless Misery does it first.

She worries about Misery being like "I would take a bullet for you." at times. No, Misery, Ark is and will be the one taking the bullet for her. Ark is the one who's prepared to blow herself for the sake of her.


A fellow sentient android whom she looks up to, and one of the reasons Ark decided to defect from the factility.

Once Ark finally settles down in her own apartment, she spends some time configuring a way to contact Midnight (who's currently somewhere within the Wilderness).





  • an apartment manager of a formerly abandoned building, now turned into a lodging place and practically a house for several other characters
  • went by no name at first when she first ended up at the abandoned building, then misery nicknamed her ark at some point, after hearing the news about ark housing some other people in her apartment. before getting that name, everyone in the apartment just calls her "manager" lol
  • "wait hold on what the fuck even happened to her" ok so. ark is a sentient android who abandoned her hometown to find a new place to stay, finally ends up in this town, decides to rest in an abandoned building, eventually makes the abandoned building her house, ends up taking in other runaways, then yeah more renovating bc the building needed to support more people.
  • honestly ark has a lot adventure potential to get in. learning more about humans in general, managing the apartment better, exploring the stories within the formerly-abandoned building, and getting into several problems considering her circumstances
  • generally pretty stoic/serious, almost to intimidating extent. but yeah she cares a lot about others, especially the ones living in her apartment, sometimes to self-sacrificing extent.
    • being created as a sentient android meant to be a weapon shaped her perception of being at use for others. wasn't she created to be a blade for others? now that ark finally has a chance to choose the very people to protect instead of the other way round, she placed herself as "the weapon" for her apartment residents, very willing to care for them and face dangers for them.
    • kinda feels awkward about the apartment residents growing protective and caring of her. wasn't she supposed to be the one protecting and caring for them...?
  • trusts misery enough to entrust her with repairing her/giving maintainence, if ark were to get in a situation where she couldn't do those herself
    • yeah ark can self-repair
  • greets someone by a polite waving
  • removing her goggles/visor reveals a machine/robot-like upper face. no her face isn't 100% complete human-like face
  • honestly i'd say she's aroace. doesn't really feel romantic attraction and doesn't go out of her way to pursue it. though she'd be cool with dating someone she's pretty comfortable with
  • her overall reputation with her apartment residents is pretty good. they love her. overall pretty ok reputation in general
  • her being a sentient android is pretty much a well-known knowledge to people who might've known her (since shes basically "the android who takes care of an apartment" to others). though ark isn't really showy when it comes to her more machine-like side. she prefers to blend in and act human.
