a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

🖥️ Midnight


A sentient android who's created in Paradise's Ruins. Formerly a resident of the Mainland, who escaped into the Wilderness out of spite, while exploiting her immortality to explore the rest of the wretched world.

In a sense, she's practically an immortal with the way she can endlessly rebuild herself from the core. And she doesn't plan to let herself be taken by death anytime soon. Not that she can, anyway.

Stuff she's up in the Wilderness

They're currently studying the lifeforces that live outside the Mainland, and plans to explore the rest of everything the world has to offer. They're also away from nearly every other humans at this time, so they're pretty much thriving and chilling out there.

Sometimes, they send signals back to the androids in the Mainland, letting them know of their discoveries. These knowledge may be shared to other humans with a cost. (To be honest, she's pretty much giving the androids the ammo to scam humans back, as a treat. Though part of her wants to build a knowlege database of the Wilderness' lifeforms too.)


To most people, especially other humans, she's an aggressive and aloof android, sometimes to a brutal extent. Outwardly expresses distaste for humans.

But to fellow androids (and Immortal Squad members), she's significantly more sympathetic towards them, practically acting as some sort of an odd family figure who's still cool with the family.

They're also pretty much fuelled by hatred and spite.



A fellow sentient android, and one of the few people she's chill with.

Immortal Squad






  • they/her
  • her (joke) ship name with ark would be arknights. yeah like that one gacha game's name.
    • infodumped about her to a friend and i had to record this joke in my site.
  • years before ark left the facility, midnight escaped from there to the wilderness territory out of a sense of wanderlust (along with spite towards the facility and other humans in the mainland as a whole)
    • she's pretty much spending her time out there exploring the wilderness on her own, taking notes of what she witnessed and explored out there
  • isn't really known among the mortals, but pretty infamous in sentient android-related circles (like the mechanics who work with them, etc).
    • however, most of the fellow sentient androids are cool with her. some may be torn about her defection
    • to the very few mortals who saw her after defection, she's either "what the fuck is wrong with this thing please stop biting me" or "ooh she brought valuable information from the wilderness". mixed reputation. a subject of debate.
  • Love language - i'd say it's... gift giving? however it doesn't usually take form of physical gifts. they're the type to send you articles relating to your interest if it reminds you of them. tbh most of their other love languages (like words of affirmation or acts of service) are "gestures they rarely do in general, and only does it if you manage to get close to them". they're the type who dislikes most other people in general so yeahhhhh hard to get love language
  • their interests apart from "studying the entities outside mainland" are psychology (mostly behaviorial and social psychology) and language (mostly studying how different things use languages)
  • requires rest/recharge every now and then. doesn't really eat like regular mortals but they can get energy from food too.
