a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

🥊📖 AtlasGnosis

Relationship Summary

Atlas and Gnosis are two (relatively aloof and emotionally closed off) gods who find solace and safety in each other. An anchor for each other to hold onto in this existence.

They consider each other to be their partner/companion.



Love Language

  • Physical Affection
    (the type to instinctively wrap her in his wings/arms, pretty touchy when they're alone together. likes having her presence nearby)
  • Acts of Service
    (takes care of her pretty well when they're around each other. smtg like cooking for her and such)
  • Verbal Affection
    (verbally straightforward guy. the type to give gnosis heart attack via randomly telling her his appreciation for her)

First Impression

He first noticed her when she's already watching him do stuff. He didn't recall seeing her anywhere before that point.

Then Atlas thought to himself, '...Who's this?'

However, he actually got to know her better when they're attending the same gathering event together. It was Gnosis' first time being invited there.

How did Atlas fall for her?

He takes much longer than Gnosis to eventually develop anything similar to a crush towards her.

And he couldn't pinpoint when did he start feeling something for her. Gnosis doesn't come over to his place for a few weeks, and he's left missing her presence.

the yearnerrrrrrrr


Love Language

  • Spending Time
    (frequently makes time in her schedule to visit him, often drags him out to places together)
  • Physical Affection
    (is touchy in general, pats him a lot :3)
  • Treating him to Stuff
    (often brings him trinkets/treats from here and there during visits. the type of person to snag a piece of food from a party to share with him)
  • Verbal Affection
    (pretty flirty, but most of her flirts come off as subtle)

First Impression

From a distance, she finds herself watching Atlas doing his duties. Something about him seems to catch her initial attention.

She still thinks he's pretty admirable until today.

How did Gnosis fall for him?

(points at her first impression)

Her crush on him develops pretty quickly, and she tries to get closer with him afterwards.

However, she didn't hope for anything deeper than a simple friendship and a company at first, until he actually expresses his desire for commitment with her.

putting them in scenarios

What do they do when they miss the other?

Gnosis prefers to keep herself busy whenever she's feeling these kinds of things. She usually sends him handwritten letters, goes through her collection for any interesting stuff to gift him during her next week, and so on. However, if she's free enough, she would go to his place right away.

Atlas often lets time deal with his feelings of loneliness, and keeps it to himself. However, if he feels the urge to act on his feelings, he'd be contacting her via the messager to check in on her. Occassionally, he'd send her stuff that reminds him of her through that too.

How'd they fare in arm wrestling contest?

If both of them were to get serious, Atlas wins by a landslide, not even letting Gnosis have a chance to fight back.

However, Atlas usually goes easier on her (but still poses a challenge), letting her devise ways to beat him in the game.

How'd they fare in staring contest?

Both of them are stubborn and concentrated enough to maintain the game for a long while.

However, Gnosis will resort to using tricks to get him to lose first, and it'll quickly turn into a game of "whoever distracts the other better wins".


Date activity ideas

  • gliding through the skies together
  • sightseeing (Atlas knows the good spots to bring Gnosis to, while Gnosis suggests new places for them to go.)
  • stargazing (They have various spots for them to stargaze together without interruptions.)
  • spending time in each other's realms (A lot of time, they'd let the other have a little tour in their place too.)

Stuff they both enjoy

  • windy weather
  • fruit desserts
  • gossips stories from the mortals



  • yeah they do match each other's freak in a lot of ways. like if you dig into their psyche hard enough then yeah they're the only ones willing to handle e/o at their worst
  • im declaring them to be the "will always find each other in every universe" ship in apcverse.


  • "what does bnt think of them" i ship them a lot. next question.
  • VisMeli, RavyAri, AtlasGnosis, and VadiosTaden are like four ships with similar flavor to me. Since well, they all originated from one pairing I really REALLY REALLY love lol