a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

๐ŸŽ†๐Ÿƒ VadiosTaden

Relationship Summary

Vadios and Taden are two fellow Performer Duelists, and they're both the anchors of Team Tempest, as the team's captain and co-captain duo.

They started off as an unlikely friendship between a famous ace duelist and an obscure name at first, and their relationship develops into an almost inseparable pair.



Love Language
  • Acts of Service
    (generally trying to remind her to take care of herself, sometimes brings her food/snacks too)
  • Quality Time
    (one way he spends more time with her is him picking her up to work. would travel all the way to her place to hang out with her)
  • Learning About Other Person
    (is generally interested by whatever random stuff she has going on. would listen to her infodump about stuff)
First Impression

'I wonder if she remembered my first day working here? If it weren't for her, I would've been so lost...'

Taden was the one who helped him with directions during Vadios' first day as a duelist, helping him get started with the work system and such. His first impression of her was pretty strong back then.

However, he hadn't gotten much opportunity to thank her until he finds her tinkling with weapons alone. He would sometimes spend time looking for her just to see what she's up to, and slowly attempted to make friends with her from there.

Sometimes he wished he made friends with her earlier (before building a reputation as a duelist), so he doesn't intimidate her by the time he starts reaching out to her.

How did Vadios fall for her?

He develops a crush on her pretty early on, but he takes a long while to realize he actually feels attracted to her. It just comes naturally to him.


Love Language
  • Sharing Stuff
    (the type to treat him to drinks after work and stuff, lets him lend her tools to mess around with. sometimes she just lets him take her weapons)
  • Sharing Space
    (enjoys having his presence around. lets him chill in her corner while she does her own thing)
  • Acts of Service
    (tries her best to assist/help him out wherever she could)
  • Physical Affection
    (subconsciously touches him a lot. hand on shoulder/arm type situation. might get too shy to hold hands/link arms with him but she will have their hands/arms touch)
First Impression

She vaguely remembers him as the guy she helped out on his first day. (But he's probably forgotten about her, now that he's made a name for himself.)

However, her impression of him being a famed duelist is much stronger on herโ€”that she has an impression of him being an intimidating duelist whom she doesn't have a chance to stand against.

She won't have a chance to talk to him againโ€”was what she had always thought, until she spots a familiar face watching her work on her weapon.

Startled by his presence, she thought to herself: 'What the hell is he doing here...?'

How did Taden fall for him?

It's... well, kind of complicated.

She's always have a soft spot for him for worrying about her, hell, he even takes care of her even better than herself.

However, the point she actually considers being with himโ€”was when he came all the way to find her stranded in Ark's Apartment, worrying sick about her well-being (while her family doesn't seem to be too bothered about her sudden disappearance, which is something).

Her crush on him is finally realized when Vadios asked if she wanted to form Team Tempest together. Then she takes some time to see if it's worth dating someone like him, and eventually asks him out โ™ฅ

Stuff Featuring Them




  • honestly they'd probably take a long while to start dating. like sometime after forming team tempest
  • and once they start dating they'd not really announce to people. they just let people go "WAIT YOU GUYS ARE FINALLY DATING" or "ok so about your partner over there-"
  • even before they started officially dating, some people have already sensed their tension going on lol! (see: team tempest)


  • "what does bnt think of them" i ship them a lot. next question.
  • VisMeli, RavyAri, AtlasGnosis, and VadiosTaden are like four ships with similar flavor to me. Since well, they all originated from one pairing I really REALLY REALLY love lol
VadiosTaden's NSFW Territory ๐Ÿ”ž

A corner for NSFW stuff revolving Vadios x Taden, like information about their sexual life and all that.

Sexual Dynamics

  • service top Vadios X power bottom Taden by default, however they can switch things up
  • Taden is the kinkier/more perverted one of the two, however, Vadios has more stamina/libido.
  • Vadios usually just takes his repressed sexual drive out in duels, doesn't come across as very horny until he's open to the idea of fucking Taden.
  • Taden is usually the one who initiates sex. They usually fuck in either of their bedrooms at home, but sometimes they fuck at duelists' workplace too (they got soundproof changing rooms, don't worry).
