a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

Team Tempest's Tournament Chat

The duelists of Team Tempest gather at their workplace in the morning, chatting away and talking about the approaching tournament event.

Written and published during 2024/06/25 (technically the 26th since I uploaded this past midnight...). I wrote this as an attempt to code a chat/conversation log styled story, and I might write more stuff in this format, so... yay!

This kinda scratches my itch to make a visual novel of sorts... (even if i don't really vibe with making anything with this medium myself)

I coded the dialogue log template first, then spent a few hours writing the script (that's meant to be a "quick little silly skit"). It's now midnight. I feel like god.

If you want to read duelists chat away about the looming tournament arc, but with a different cast/Team Nimbus members instead, check out Team Nimbus' Tournament Chat.

What the— why is everyone arriving early today?

It's already the winter festival season. The commissioners are having more reasons to hire us.

Already? No, wait... I thought winter is at least a month away...

Eh, the winter has been arriving earlier and earlier each year, ever since the latest breakthrough in—

Yeah, yeah. It's almost ridiculous that they're already setting up the yearly tournament at this time. Look.

Mhm. We're likely to hear a thing or two about the announcement this week... I wonder if the captain has any plans for this year's tournament.

I sure hope there are slots for six of us. Maybe five, in case Taden's too busy doing management stuff. Four if they're kind enough. Three would still be fine, almost pushing it.

If it's anything like the last year, the reservation race would've been worse this time. Not to mention the other new teams this year.


Rai!!! Sol!!! How long have you guys been here?

Oh, look who it is! Hello!!!

We've been here for a few minutes. You?

Just got off from the station, with Cobalt!

(He nods.)

Uh, what's going on over there?

Right, it's your first year being a duelist! You've heard of the yearly duelist tournament?

...Sort of. I'm assuming the registration is opening soon?

Looks like it.

Any news about the tournament? Any rumors about who's joining?

They haven't announced anything yet. But from the looks of the duelists this year... it's going to be a busy one.

You think Team Nimbus is joining too?

Likely. Aes never turns down opportunities like this.

You're buddies with that team?

Yeah! I just went out for a cafe with Aes last week!



Wait. Was it the time you came home late last Friday?

Mhm. Didn't I tell you about it?

Uh... Wait, hold on. I think the Aes part is news to me. You've only said you're going out with a friend.


Aw, you guys still keep in touch after the shuffle fest?

I mean, we could help each other out in the future, who knows? Better make good connections with other teams.

I see...

She's right, you know.

Is it still... like that, between you and Luna?

Anyways! We better prepare ourselves and schedules for the tournament. Gotta climb up the ranks to the top.

(Seeing how Sol acts, he awkwardly glances at Rai.)

(He nods at Cobalt.)

Yeah! Let's do our best this week, and hope Taden would be—

Oh, good morning, guys.

(He simply waves at the teammates.)

Ah, speaking of the devil— no, captain. Heya.

What are you guys up to?

About the incoming tournament. It looks like they're opening up the registration early this year.

Oh, right. The team tickets... Anything else?

No, not yet. They haven't announced anything.

I see... I guess I'll be needing some help getting the tickets, considering the look of this year.

What can we help with?

Hmm... Something you guys can help with...

Actually, don't sweat about it just yet. I'll message you guys if we're making a move. Keep doing your best like the usual, and I'll manage the rest. Don't worry about it.

(He nods.)

Say, if we only manage to secure a very few seats, who would you pick to join the tournament?


(She turns to Vadios.)

I'll join if you want me to.

Oh, alright.

Sol and Rai would be my second and third choice for the tournament, and if there are still spaces, I'm letting Cobalt and Arine join in too—so they can get the actual tournament experience.

I'm the second choice?

Apart from Vadios himself, you have the best skills to climb up the tournament rankings.


And for Rai—if we only have two slots left just for Vadios and Sol, you can be a great support member for those two, too. I hope that doesn't sound too harsh.

It's alright. I'm actually pretty glad you're making me the support.

Aw. Anyways, onto Cobalt and Arine... It'd be your first year joining the tournament, if we manage to get the slots for you two. But if there aren't any slots left, I'll be having you guys join me behind the scenes too.


Got it.

Anyways, it's already seven in the morning... Rai's and Sol's first match starts at seven thirty, right? I'm going to stop talking and let you guys prepare for the match—and for the rest...

Cobalt, Arine, are you joining us at the working space?

Oh, sure!

(He nods.)

Alright... See you guys later during lunch break! Good luck!