a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

✨ Lumi, the Sharpshooter from the Stars

“Oh, that Lumi? Don’t bother getting them on our side, or even see them as an ally. They might appear interested in our goals, but they won’t stay for long.”

An immortal who devotes their existence to the two gods ruling the Lands of Equinox.

With their powers, they're tasked to bring peace to the world riddled with conflict—to the point of becoming a powerful force of destruction akin to a natural disaster, feared by the mortals.


Lumi was made by the first two Gods of Nature—they’re created by Illustro, and completed by Nathereth. Being the two god’s favored creation, they were overwhelmingly blessed with the Essence of Sun and Moon, wielding both powers in a world where they are considered sacred.

They used to watch the Land of Equinox from the safety of the Pantheon Realm, along with their gods. At one point, Lumi was assigned to take care of Theltere and Dranogh, the to-be Nature Gods.

Once the Looming Darkness era started, Lumi tasked to bring peace back to chaos-laden lands with their hands. After years of surviving in the world, Lumi grew to realize that this goal would be impossible. And yet, they still held onto it—in the name of their gods.

They appear to be unaware of the fact they’re being merely used as their gods’ puppet. Or have they been playing along with their gods, feigning their ignorance and waiting for the day to cut the strings off—then fall into the chaos?

“When was the last time I’ve known peace…?”



Cold, aloof, resolute, selfless. They're made to be a tool for their gods, after all.

"Sun" Lumi

Can be considered the system's host. Appears with yellow eyes.

Lawful but in self-destructive/sacrificing way. The one who actually wants to carry their gods' mission of bringing peace to their world.

"Moon" Lumi

Appears with purple eyes.

Chaotic alignment, opposite of sun Lumi (as in, they're still self-sacrificing but in chaotic not-god-honoring way). Reckless and gives less shit about the mission for peace + their gods. Even though they roughly share the same morality as sun Lumi, they have a different approach about it.

"Blood" Lumi

Appears with red eyes.

Ruthless. Doesn't seem to operate on lawful/chaotic morality like the first two. Does what needs to be done.


They all go by the same name + identity, and they've heard about each other's existence. However, they have yet to effectively communicate/connect with each other. They also don't share memories.

"What's with the color-changing eyes" They have magic. They can pull this off, as a treat. Though it's definitely possible for them to deceive people (who are aware of their system situation), by adjusting the ambient magic that reflects in their eyes.

The quest

They were tasked to bring peace back to the endless Lands of Equinox. Others may consider it a Sisyphean task for someone like them, but to Lumi, it's something they must do and accomplish, some day.

For the quest, they're given a great amount of magic energy and the ability to be brought back to life. Whenever they're killed, they'll pop back into the existence seconds later, unharmed. With this immortality, they do not physically age.

Being capable of mass destruction, they oft approached this mission as a judge—striking punishments upon those who brought chaos upon the lands.


Wielding both the Sunlight Essence and the Moonlight Essence with relative ease, along with immense magical power from both essences—they're able to use their magic with ease.

Most of their magics take form of conjuring/summoning objects made of magic from the thin air, sometimes even to massive scale—such as summoning a rain of arrows to destroy a land.



“My creator, and my teacher. I can still hear them.”


“Like my creator and my teacher, they are my lords. Even if the entire universe were against these two, I hope to remain by their side, just like before.”


“This is why your lord never looks back at you.”

Immortal Squad

One of the few people they bond with as equals, with relatively functional dynamics.





  • lumi's reputation in lands of equinox is comparable to a natural disaster/force of nature. doesn't really work with mortals. serves a higher incomprehensible-to-regular-mortals purpose. can cause mass destruction with their magic.
    • some may want lumi to join them as a powerful ally, but lumi's alliance with mortals has never lasted forever anyway
  • doesn't really see themself as a human. or someone comparable to a human. their time with the immortal squad sorta helps with their self-dehumanization tendencies at times, but they feel as if they're fundamentally not one.
  • Love language - acts of service. one of the few ways they can comfortably express love. other than that, i'd say their love language is also quality time? though for their case, they don't go out of their way to spend time, but they will offer presence (via listening or accompanying someone) if needed
  • has more immunity to stuff that would've harmed or killed normal humans, but can still be affected by them. still needs to eat and sleep, however they will require less of that than average people
