a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

🌠 Velin


A young magic prodigy, known for their ability to use advanced magic spells at their young age. They also have an interest in developing tools utilizing magic. They're currently Cairn's apprentice, and temporarily works with Nero during the Starless Town events.




Their mentor.

During Starless Town events

"...Maybe Nero was right. Maybe I'm already too far gone for a normal life. I've killed them. I've killed them with my hands."

A teacher and their apprentice. Their relationship wasn't exactly the closest, but they respect/care for the other. In a way, they're still strangers to each other, unaware of each other's true vulnerability.


Velin finds her intimidating, but respects her a lot.


friends :D

infodump i've pasted from somewhere else

  • they're like 15
  • prodigy in "able to use advanced magic spells at early age" way, they're also interested w/ developing magic tools and all. if you remember the pendant i make cairn wear sometimes, then yeah that's one of velin's inventions (along with their own)
    • it's a magic pendant (powered by ambient magic energy in the air) that velin created as a prototype, and gave it to themself and cairn. mostly used as a way to communicate from a distance
    • "if a person casts their magic in the pendant, the other pendant will react" type of magitech
  • despite their feats, they're generally a socially awkward + easily startled guy, though they can be pretty cunning at times
  • i changed their name into velin, like two last syllables from javelin. and speaking of weapon-themed names, the two other people they're with (in one of the pics i drew), xiphos and dory, are also prodigy teenagers with weapon-themed names.
    • after creating velin for sometime, i added xiphos and dory since i thought i needed more characters to smooth some story parts out + velin could use more characters who's around their age (compared to cairn, nydia, and nero who are somewhere in their 30's)
    • "why are these guys all some form of magic prodigy" i like playing around with these types of characters. plus most of the starless town plot doesn't really touch on surface-level magic stuff, so yeah
  • "how the fuck did a 15 year old apprentice kill cairn"
    • cairn's guard is normally lowered around velin
    • velin was given a special wand for to carry out the murder. cairn immediately dropped dead upon its usage
    • how did they bring themself to kill their mentor? they got manipulated by another character (nero)
  • velin does not cope well with the fact they killed cairn. they kinda "broke" after they saw cairn coming back to life
