a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

◇ Canopus

The former Unnamed God of Indifference, who died of self-destruction, and becomes a Reassembled God.



"My partner, who's been there since the beginning. We go back a long way."

Relationship: inseparable.


  • upon realizing they're brought back from death, their first instinct is to check on meleph. canopus knows meleph wouldn't like this at all, knowing the cause they've died for.
  • mellows out by a lot during their time as a reassembled god. eventually takes on a role of a doctor/counselor in the pantheon realm
  • arrived at the reassembled ones' home when there were only Indus and Navi around. is given the name Canopus and immediately takes it.
  • their body is translucent, and the "spine" is pretty much for aesthetic. the spikes on their arm are also foldable
