a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

🐛 Jack

A performer duelist who's a part of Team Nimbus. She currently resides within the Capital (of the Mainland, within Paradise's Ruins). Currently sponsored by her family's organization.



A fellow member of Team Nimbus. Childhood friend. Sees through most of Aes' eccentricities.


A fellow member of Team Nimbus.


A fellow member of Team Nimbus.

Despite Luna's harshness towards her, Jack simply sucks it up, similarly to how she handles Rayne's eccentricities. Jack doesn't really feel any malice/spiteful feelings towards her, though she does find Luna tiring to deal with sometimes.

The most violent act (outside duels) she'd to do Luna is bonking her with her tablet. However, she would only do this whenever she needs Luna to listen to what she has to say, as the last resort.



  • the most approachable one. the most prey coded member of the team
  • group mediator
  • got dragged around by aes to make weapons for the team
  • to be friends with cobalt :) also the least likely to be hostile at team tempest
  • 5'11
  • can't drive for shit. usually travels to work via aes driving for her
  • lives near aes' place and they travel to work together
