a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a sketch of the God of Creation instead of the character in the main banner

🌊 Consumed by the Waves


A short tragic story set in a fantasy setting with mermaids, myths revolving a fictional deity, and fantasy illness. There are four total endings.

The protagonist, Willow, has to go find a mermaid to use its meat to cure their mother's illness. Along the way, they encountered a starving mermaid named Galeβ€”and they had to choose between killing it for the sake of their family, saving the mermaid, or indulging in their personal whim.

Behind the Scenes

The story concept first started off as me wanting to write a love story between a human and a mermaid. But somewhere during conceptualization, it eventually ended up in a story where the human or mermaid is doomed to kill the other. There are no traces of romance like I first intended (unless you find how Willow kills Gale/was killed by Gale to be romantic, which I won't judge).

You can also find the Tumblr posts I've tagged for this project here!

In-Story Stuff Infodump

After the Story

No matter what ending, Willow is reborn as an Abyssal Mermaid.

Abyssal Soul Dealers takes place after this, involving the new Abyssal Mermaid.
