a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a sketch of the God of Creation instead of the character in the main banner

🔥 To Burn A God Down


A short, interactive story revolving a vengeful outcast cursed with the power of flames, Astra, who seeks to kill the god who's meant to protect their hometown—after an incident that costed their closest family member's life and nearly costed their own life.

One night, Astra—who seeks to kill a god—rides a carriage to the god's hometown in guise of a worshipper bringing the offerings to them. Within the carriage, there are only two passengers—Astra themself, and the other hooded stranger who seems to travel to the god's hometown to bring their offerings to the god too. Despite Astra not wanting to chat with the stranger much, they eventually sense Astra's intentions to kill the god, and offers to help them out.
