a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

⭐ The Snippet Storage ⭐

This page is used for all the assorted snippets for A Pawn's Creations!

I often write in really small bursts rather than committing to longer stories, so that's why this page is created! Plus it's neat being able to see all of my snippets gathered in a single place like this too!

All snippets are loosely grouped together by featured characters, not much order beyond that.

Pantheon Realm's Cast

ruminations of time

Focus Character: God of Time

Ever since the God of Time was created, they were able to perceive everything Creation could perceive—from the other gods' next moves, to the gods' eventual demise.

It was a terrifyingly overwhelming experience, akin to waking up for the first time in forever.

But there they were, simply existing as an entity along with the two strangers—who they would learn later that it was the God of Creation, and the God of Destruction. Overwhelmed by all kinds of sight they could perceive, Time spent their first moments in ease and ignorance with Creation and Destruction.

Watching the two gods and their little creations was quite relaxing.

After they existed for a certain time, Time found themself grew fascinated by all the sights they could perceive, and all kinds of beings they could become at first. Unlike Creation, who grew to prefer turning a blind eye to all other fascinating possibilities, except for the ones at the very right in front of them. Like they're limiting their vision on purpose.

Time had been wondering about it for so long, until the reality of their own actions kicked in, making them experience all things that happened in every moment on their skin. It was then, that Time realized their own powers to perceive anything—was like being haunted.

Sure, they felt strongly at the joy of creation, but the sorrow and regret came just as quickly.

Eventually, they've brought Creation and Destruction, along with their creations, into a steady timeline that only moved ahead, where they would eventually meet their demise in one way or another.

When Time lived with the first mortals, they had finally realized how slow time itself really was. Back before the Sacred Earth was created, their fleeting moments could mean eternity to the mortals. And at the same time, they've grown to realize and experience existence itself—from how fragile things were, how everything that changes intertwined with one other, and more.

It feels almost wrong to make things turn out like this.

The days—or in mortal's terms, years—the Gods of Creation, Destruction, and Time used to entertain each other in the vast emptiness... It would never really come back to that point, as much as how much Time wanted to experience those happy moments forever.

A deep, terrible guilt continues to haunt Time's existence.

gnosis and a little blob buddy

Focus Character: Gnosis

It's just Gnosis playing with her blob pet named Nil, really.

Gnosis and her blob companion, Nil

"Look who's home~" Gnosis calls out to Nil, as she lands on her bed after teleportation. Nil, tucked away in the pillows, pokes its head out, before rolling and stumbling with its way to Gnosis. Then it plops into Gnosis' squeezing embrace.

"You're still the softest as ever..." Gnosis purrs, as she nuzzles her face into Nil's squishy flesh. It makes a little cry of joy in return.

Lands of Equinox's Cast

a boy and power of darkness

Focus Character: Sai

Sai has always believed he has the Darkness Magic—the power to wield the darkness itself, or so they called. He isn't sure of the exact details about it just yet. Even Melos, his friend, says otherwise about his magic being referred to as the 'Darkness Magic'.

What is it supposed to be, then?

The power of darkness—is what Sai has always been known for. To be cursed with the surplus magic energy overflowing from his body, forming a dense, suffocating aura akin to being swallowed by the darkness around him.

Sai has never understood the underlying mechanics of magic itself, apart from the basics of more magic being equal to more power. And Sai was born with it.

What else is his magic capable of, apart from swallowing his surroundings into pitch black and throwing blasts of condensed magic energy? He hasn't thought about it.

"You know... Your magic does seem more like a mere darkness," Melos comments, as they watch Sai coming back from a magic practice.

Sai rubs the back of his neck, trying to find a way to even reply to that greeting. Then he realizes. "Wait, you were watching me?"


"Oh." Sai looks away, as he realizes what Melos might've seen back then. Moments of Sai struggling, failing, pathetically trying to cast his spells by the command—all return to his mind, leaving him tense at its thought. "Well, uh..."

"Dunno, it seems like that magic blast did something more than just what they called it, y'know? I'm sure I caught a fly disappearing right into your magic, too."

Sai looks at the hands he used for spellcasting. The hands that take hold of the Darkness Magic. "It really doesn't feel like it's that simple..."

"Yeah, but eh, simpletons make simple names for magic. Mine's more of a burning light, akin to the sun—but they'd call it Light Magic nevertheless."

"Haha, yeah..."

Something else, that's not just darkness magic? What is it supposed to be, then?