a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

A Pawn's Creations Timeline

A page to reference era names in APC universe! This follows the main, linear timeline.

I don't have exact year numbers down just yet (nor actually assign characters their exact birth dates), since I prefer to be pretty flexible with timelines.

The Pantheon Realm

The Nothingness

The time when there were just the God of Creation, God of Destruction, and God of Time. Creation first existed in solitude, then they eventually created Destruction and the first other creations. Then they eventually created Time to keep their creations organized.

The First World

Creation created the Sacred Earth as the first major world, along with Destruction and Time.

Things went pretty well, now that Time created the first Nature Gods to help out with maintaining this world, and the Nature gods created the first Mortality gods to take care of the mortals who lived on this world.

A relatively peaceful era.

The Quarrelling Gods

Things began to go wrong.

  • The first Mortality Gods, or the Guardian gods, were heavily affected by the mortals' growing problems, such as deaths and injustices among them.
    • Eventually, the first Gods of Psyche were manifested from the Guardian Gods' psyche that grew unstable.
    • In attempts to stop each other from spiraling further, the Guardian Gods tried swapping their roles, and eventually began to distance themselves from godhood—at the cost of neglecting the mortals' livelihood.
    • God of Time, who saw that the Guardian Gods had abandoned the mortals they're supposed to take care of, destroyed the two gods—unleashing the first apocalypse onto the Sacred Earth.
    • A and Eli, who were formerly mortals in Sacred Earth, offered to replace the destroyed Guardian Gods in hopes of stopping the apocalypse from going on further, becoming the second Mortality Gods.
  • After the incident involving the Guardian Gods, the Destruction God had gotten harsher on Illustro and Nathereth, the Nature Gods too, especially Illustro. So they began to grow apart during this time.
    • God of Creation tried to mend their broken bond by letting them take care of the Land of Equinox together.
  • After a long period of trying to convince them, A-Eli managed to convince the God of Time to bring back the Guardian Gods—in form of the Reassembled GodsLibertas and Naledi, which comes with its own issues.
  • The first Gods of Psyche self-destructed in attempts to bring the Destruction God down along with themselves, only to fail and be replaced by two mortals. The ones who just self-destructed were quickly brought back as Reassembled Gods—Meleph and Canopus.

The Silent Rest

Growing weary of dealing with chaos among their creations, the God of Creation eventually ended up in a long slumber.

  • Destruction killed Illustro-Nathereth, leading to the second Psyche Gods being killed by the impact too.
    • Theltere-Dranogh then replaced Illustro-Nathereth.
    • While Vinlei-Chesar didn't select the mortals to replace them, they had cursed the Destruction God, making them carry the curse to the next mortal they killed.
  • Destruction then went to Sacred Earth, chose a mortal who's too indifferent to bother with anyone's problems, ended their suffering since they're on the verge of dying, and made them one of the Psyche gods. A curse by the former Psyche gods was then unleashed.

The Awakened Chaos

Irtia, the current sole God of Psyche, was pressured to seek a mortal to join them in their godhood. Eventually, they managed to get Egatha as a fellow Psyche god. They were chaotic together as gods, and eventually, their chaos brought existence to the Gods of Possibilities.

A, the Death God at time, went against the Destruction God.

Creation came back to existence at the moment A was trying to kill the Destruction God. Seeing how A's psyche had gotten over these years as a god, Creation sent A and Eli back to Sacred Earth to live there again as (im)mortals. While Deswyn and Valei ended up replacing A and Eli.

With Possibilities Gods' existence, God of Creation let the new gods create a new major world—the Fragile Dreamscape.

The Revelation

After years of watching the worlds unfold, God of Creation was reminded of a distant past. They started to recall memories before they ended up alone in the Pantheon Realm in the first place, and it wasn't a very pleasant revelation. Out of the fear of destroying everything with this memory, they went into a slumber once again.

Sacred Earth

The World's Beginning

The Sacred Earth was created! While the Nature Gods and Mortality Gods are more akin to being the first mortals' parents, Creation acted as a mentor figure to them. Destruction and Time were less interested in interacting with the mortals.

The Shaken World

Time killed the first two Mortality Gods and a brief apocalypse happened. For a time, the mortals in this world were pretty shaken by the apocalypse.

The Bordered Worlds

Sacred Earth mortals figured out there were massive borders surrounding their seas, and they're navigating the borders and what lies beyond them.

The Lonely Era

Destruction then went to Sacred Earth, chose a mortal who's too indifferent to bother with anyone's BS, ended their suffering since they're on the verge of dying, and made them one of the Psyche gods. But the mortal-turned-god's death ended up unleashing a fatal curse across the world, inflicting the grudge from their entire life and from the former Psyche gods upon everyone. Said curse was an epidemic.

Deswyn and Valei were born during this era where people were quite unsettled by the epidemic, and Eli-A selected them to become their next successors as the Mortality Gods.

The Six Lands

A and Eli got sent back to the Sacred Earth during this era, then Deswyn and Valei replaced them.

Good news for the mortals, though, is that they've figured out ways to travel beyond the borders outside of their seas, and they've pieced together that the world is divided in six.

Lands of Equinox

The Settlement

The Land of Equinox was created by Illustro-Nathereth! At first, it started off as two individual lands under each god, and they're pretty much settling things down. The first mortals remembered this moment as them finally arriving at a new world, and now they're settling down for a home.

The Two Houses

The mortals from Illustro's and Nathereth's area were at odds with each other, fighting for resources. The gods weren't even helping with calming the conflict down, either.

The Lands Beyond

Mortals who were affected by the conflicts eventually defected from their old land, sailing away into unknown lands. The mortals eventually realized there were more distant lands to live out there.

Illustro and Nathereth wagered on the mortals' fights too. One of the mortals wagered by them were Theltere and Dranogh, the twins who defected from the mainland.

The Looming Darkness

Remember the mortal who became a Psyche God during the Lonely Era? Their post-death curse also affected this world, too.

The Blood Seas

Things aren't looking too well in the Land of Equinox, even after the curse had faded away.

Fragile Dreamscape

The New Home

When the Possibilities Gods came to existence, a new world was created!

The Fragile Lands

Irrus made Genofi slay Vrios themself, and made them witness their own self-destruction. Out of necessity, and in hopes of keeping the Fragile Dreamscape, Genofi bore the fate of two gods themself.

Vi, Genofi's friend, sacrificed their body and flesh to become the one with the world's core, so they could help Genofi keep the world whole.

The Grieving World

With Genofi's and Vi's attempts to keep the world intact, various abnormalities born from their emotions were brought upon the world.

Paradise's Ruins

To be worked on!

Loose Ideas:

  • The paradise before the Mainland
  • The Mainland's gradual formation
  • The all-consuming