a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

Beyblade OCs

The characters here pretty much exist for self-indulgent purposes, like making my own blorbos hang out with Beyblade blorbos, or interact with canon settings, and such.

Beyblade Burst OCs

Two former classmates and best friends from Thailand, determined to train themself and battle the other as their fated rival.


"How about we enjoy ourselves and have fun? Isn't that the most important thing?"

"I'm battling Tian?! Let's go!!! This is gonna to be a great battle!"

  • uses Beelzebub beys, is mainly an attack type
  • currently a part of BC Sol team
  • a chaotic little guy who's here to have fun (and of course, train himself to battle Tian). has a tendency to throw himself into risky situations for the heck of it
  • overall pretty chill until Tian is mentioned. he would infodump about Tian to anyone who's unfortunate enough to mention him nearby.
  • strong resonance with his bey—almost to a worrying point
    • will briefly scare the teammates with his unhinged resonance moments, then snaps out of it and goes "yo that battle was fire ^_^"
  • used to beyblade by himself in the past, then quitted it at some point—until he moved to the same school as tian and befriended him.
    • tian is pretty much his first friend after moving to this school. then beam gets attached to him from there
  • tbh he's here to be friends with other characters :D having fun and all


"I'm trying to see something... Say, would you like to battle with me, as a practice?"

"Oh, nice. I'm finally battling with him... It's been a while since we last met. I can say I'm looking forward to this."

  • uses Thanatos beys, is mainly a balanced type
  • currently a part of Raging Bulls team
  • a reserved and collected little guy who's determined to train himself and gain experience/knowledge. is pretty cautious in general, though the reckless tendency is still there.
  • will watch beam trip and eat shit on the stadium and go "yep that's the guy i want to battle the most". the team members may notice tian perking up whenever beam is mentioned
    • if you dunk on beam in front of him, he wouldn't really do anything outlandish. though, he may urge you to watch beam battle (followed by beam infodump for the unfortunate one who insulted him)
  • struggles to achieve resonance (has something to do with his untrusting/cautious nature)
    • if he were to achieve it, it would be pretty uncontrollable/unpredictable
  • used to beyblade by himself in the past, until he befriends beam and reintroduces it to him. then both of them became a duo :D (until they went on different paths to train themself)
  • likes observing people. technically likes observing beyblades too but he's more focused on the beybladers

shenanigans/scenario snippets

Consider this section a "scenarios I've put these two in" or "plot stuff I plan to give these two"

  • beam the type to go "hey. tian. i know you're watching me out there. wish me luck bro" while being broadcasted. he does this so often to the point if beam looks at the camera before the battle, the announcer may go "oh does he have anything to say to his rival this time??"
    • tian is used to this. picture him training, then the tv shows beam calling out for him being broadcasted, then he goes "ah shit here we go again"
  • beam is the type to overwork himself when he's really focused/dedicated to something.
    • in the hypothetical storyline involving these two, beam will progress from "yay let's have fun, everyone!!! ^_^" to slowly more unhinged and obsessed over battling against tian, to the point of overworking himself and his arm.
    • then he sprains his arm during a showdown against tian, tries to hide it, then tian confronts him about it after their battle. beam is happy about the battle (at the cost of his arm), but tian is very guilty about it, leading to beam being :( about this whole situation
    • beam's arm recovery arc will happen though, don't worry. what happens next might be tian discovering a thing or two about resonance, considering beam's whole resonance situation (that influenced him during the battle where he injured his arm)

my notes/comments for my beyburst ocs

  • I've realized they feel eerily like Shu and Valt sometime during the oc's early concept, then I think it'd be funny to keep it this way, since they're expies of two of my older ocs lmfao. these two are written with a lot of "wouldn't it be funny/fucked up if this happens?"
  • "so are these two gay for each other" up to interpretation!

Beyblade X OCs

Team Abyssal, a pro Beyblader team consisting of three college students, sponsored by [TBA].

  • Mikage Kishimoto (岸本みかげ), the stoic team leader and Bey Crafter who uses Jellyfish beyblades.
  • Kira Tsuryuu (釣流キラ), the team's eccentric ace who uses Octopus beyblades.
  • Ayumu Tokimori (時森あゆむ), the team's quiet strategizer who uses Spider beyblades.