a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

Story Simulation - A letter from Rael Mills

It is Rael’s birthday, and he wrote a letter for Story Simulation readers.

I hope you’re doing well, everyone.

It’s my birthday today, and I’m writing this letter to thank everyone—who guided me in my adventures. It may not be the most exciting adventure you’ve seen, but I’m glad you’re there, watching over me.

I know this may sound awkward, getting a letter from someone from the other world? (That’s how I understand our whole situation, I don’t really get it.) But if you really helped me with my adventures, I’m grateful for all the times you helped me, especially with all the times I was about to give up.

I’m writing this from my home, and I’ll be sleeping after I’m done with this letter. We could either visit a new place tomorrow, or revisit old places.

I don’t really have anything else to say. My family members are sleeping well, and so are Levi, Aurielle, and Jean. I’m looking forward to travelling with those three tomorrow.

Let’s hope we’ll meet again sometime, in the future. I’m sure I would have more things to say by then.

Take care,

Rael Mills

a paper that looks folded, written in a handwriting font, its contents the exact same as above

Writer's Notes

At the time I first published this post, it is the first anniversary of Rael’s debut in Story Simulation, so I made it his birthday.

I remembered making a font for his handwriting, so I polished it and made a letter for this occasion. As a nice little treat for myself and the readers, he would be 21 during Lost Things storyline.

This feels like watching my own son grow, and I’m feeling emotional.