a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

The Stray Comets


A storyline involving four lost runaways stumbling into each other, as they go on a journey together in the unrelenting seas—searching for a peaceful home along with an end to their cruel, turbulent fates.

  • Melos, the runaway living weapon, seeks to roam free in an unknown world, along with the friend they made in the facility (where they grew up in).
  • Sai, the runaway chosen one, who was taken to a facility due to his powers, even before he could even learn what the outside world was really like. Together with Melos, who helped him escape from the facility, the two of them adventured together until they eventually ran into...
  • Elesia, the runaway who has lost everything, with the situation involving her parent's disappearance, she teamed up with Roxon, ended up discovering her hometown's corruption and was marked as a criminal—then she escaped away from her hometown with Roxon. They continued to wander in the unknown world, until they ran into Melos and Sai.
  • Roxon, the runaway who first sought revenge, was targetting Elesia's hometown at first due to their involvement with his parents' deaths. He then teamed up with Elesia to help with their own goals, was wanted dead by the town, and ran away with her.


  • Melos and Sai escaped from the facility, while Roxon and Elesia ran away from a town.
  • The squad is formed, after they run into each other.
  • They begin to travel together, focusing on getting away from being hunted down and trying to make a living.
    • during this time, they do jobs here and there like offering protection services, selling stolen items, helping out with magic-related incidents, etc.


  • situations i usually put them in (they're mostly in my head rn)
    • making a camp and cooking together ^-^
    • travelling and getting through situations like disasters, incidents, and jazz
  • situations i hope to put them in more
    • the squad helps out with a member trying to cope with their trauma
    • a squad member faces with ghosts of their past
    • them going on adventures:tm: and generally leaving a lasting effect in the world they live in
    • bonding moments that gradually changes their relationship dynamics. relationship dynamic progression and development:tm:
  • them in body swap situation
    • roxon in melos' body = freaks out at the sheer amout of magic sensation he feels in their body. very weirded out by melos' starborn anatomy. literally needs sometime to adjust to breathing/moving in their body. finds them lanky as fuck to move around. but he'll get used to it! just very thrown off from being thrown into the body of someone who's made of magic (as a guy who has magic allergy)
    • melos in sai's body = finds sai small and fragile as fuck. will accidentally get bruises 5 mins in his body. will experiment the fuck out of sai's magic just to study it up close
    • sai in elesia's body = takes some time to adjust to her body having an eye. very careful with using her magic. opposite of melos in terms of treating the body.
    • elesia in roxon's body = gets more annoyed and aggressive, will abuse the fact she's making it look like roxon is saying some stupid shit. subconsciously mimics his manners

the four's first meeting

  • melos and sai was sleeping in a camp. then roxon + elesia attempted to steal their food
  • only for melos, a light sleeper and a former mercenary, to threaten to attack/kill both of them
  • roxon + elesia caused enough ruckus (from panicking over melos trying to kill them) that they woke sai up
  • sai went "wait is that roxon"
  • then roxon + sai have their reunion moment, followed by proper introduction

future planned stories

  • sai dealing the last blow to the lab they came from
  • elesia killing the organization who wants her dead
  • roxon and insatiable thirst for revenge. no matter how much it's enabled it doesn't seem to be enough. what exactly does he want from the world?
  • melos' and the call from the stars
