a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

Sacred Earth

The first world, the first paradise, the first home. It was a place they fondly recalled, and yet...


The first major world created in the Pantheon Realm, where almost every major gods play a role in it. Sometimes, it's used as a sandbox for the gods too.

The World Itself

The Sacred Earth is a cube-shaped world, with natural walls that separate each seas apart from other. Each sides are considered to be a single sea. Then each seas would have its own continent, countries, and so on.

The seas within Sacred Earth are:

  • The Forest Seas: the mortals' souls go here after they die. i'll explain the whole deal with the soul ecosystem here sometime
  • The Wisp Seas: sometimes mortals can notice entire ass wisps flying through the skies/seas. unique phenomenon (souls passing by are often visible this way in the wisp seas)
  • The Echoing Seas: kind of like the wisp seas but instead, the mortals can hear the souls' voice. it's echoing here.
  • The Abyssal Seas: most of the mortals who live on land don't live at the middle of these seas, since well, there's a whole ass abyss that will feed on the mortals who woke up and decided "yeah i'm going to explore the abyss today". despite that, the land-dwelling mortals are quite persistent in figuring out what's the deal with the abyss
  • The Golden Seas: they get a lot of sun. almost like they stole the sunlight from the abyssal seas for themselves lol
  • The Silent Seas: arguably the most peaceful seas to live in. sets on the opposite of the forest seas (where most of the god-scale events tends to happen). if you remember the apocalypse where god of time killed two guardian gods, these seas are barely affected by the apocalypse.

The Soul

Everything that lives in this world is born with a soul, marking their existence in the world.

It also allows mortals to accomplish various feats with it, almost to magical extents. A mortal may learn to manipulate their own souls or learn to sense the other souls. But a god and angels are the only ones who have the powers to drastically transform a soul. When a god/angel manipulates it, it usually takes a form of a mortal gaining or losing a part of themself, whether it's physically or mentally.

After death, the soul leaves the body and is sent to the forest seas, where it can continue to be used as a non-sentient material for the angels or gods (or other mortals who studied soul-related magic).


All the story concepts, short stories, etc. that takes place in this world!

Consumed by the Waves

Interactive One-Shot story

Willow, a fisherman, has to go find a mermaid to use its meat to cure their mother's illness.

Doomed Omen

One-Shot story

Larion—an apprentice under the Moon God’s church—narrates their first meeting with an Angel of Apocalypse, which led them to a series of misfortune falling upon people around them.

To Burn A God Down

Interactive One-Shot story

A vengeful outcast, cursed with the power of flames, seeks kill a god.

The Apprentices of Life and Death

to-be a Storyline Concept

A story involving two mortals who were chosen by the Gods of Mortality, faced with the worlds beyond their mortal life.

Ashes of What Was Once Divine

to-be a Storyline Concept

Astra, the god-killer, joins the fallen angel named Ran—to assist them with their mission to bring forth a new paradise.

Abyssal Soul Dealers

to-be a Storyline Concept

After their demise, Willow was reborn again as a mermaid. They then begrudgingly gets dragged into adventures with a boy—who's the son of the Ocean Goddess, and a dealer of souls.

The First Apocalypse

to-be a Storyline Concept

A storyline involving the apocalypse during the Quarrelling Gods era in Sacred Earth, and the things that transpired.

Children of the Gemini Stars

to-be a Storyline Concept

A storyline revolving the adventures of Ramis, a young man who seeks to train himself to become a warrior who serves his family, with the help of a deity who suddenly invites him to Souls Society—where he can earn more opportunities to travel and explore, and to train himself.

Worldbuilding Notes


🩸 A, the Hope Bringer

An immortal human who resides in the Sacred Earth. A former Death god who was exiled from godhood yet cursed with immortality. Being one of the very few immortals, they remain in an awkward place between an ordinary human and a higher deity.

🌪️ Alder of the Waters

An eccentric pirate sailing around Sacred Earth's seas. A menace.

⚔️ Alpse

The enigmatic wielder of a cursed sword. A resident in Souls Society.

🩸 Aribel

An undead who can manipulate flesh and blood. A resident in Souls Society.

☀️ Arithan

A part of the Lairn Family, who serves directly under the God of Sun. A resident in Souls Society.

🔥 Astra, the Last Flame

A runaway criminal who's now living with Ran. They once burnt a god down, with their own flames.

🦈 Damion

One of the Abyssal Mermaids who became a part of Alder's adventures and exploits in the Sacred Earth's oceans.

💀 Deswyn, the Prince of Death

An aloof undead, who eventually became the third Death God.

🌳 Eli, the Hope Bringer

An elephant from the first generation of mortals of Sacred Earth, became a Life god once, and now it became an immortal alongside with A.

🩸 Gadria, the Angel of Apocalypse

A human-shaped vessel of the God of Destruction, who was later given their own mind to wander in the Sacred Earth.

🍃 Gale, the Deceiver

A mermaid of the waves, born from deceit and betrayal.

🍃 Gale, the Capricious

A mermaid of the waves, born from a wish and a fate.

☀️ Melthus

A part of the Lairn Family, who serves directly under the God of Sun. A resident in Souls Society.

☀️ Ramis

A part of the Lairn Family, who serves directly under the God of Sun. A resident in Souls Society.

❤️ Ran, the Fallen Angel of Love

A demon who was once an Angel of Love, but was exiled due to their obsession towards creating an 'ideal paradise', and how they warped from who they were meant to be.

☀️ Ravylia

A part of the Lairn Family, who serves directly under the God of Sun. A resident in Souls Society.

🥊 Sal, the Thunder

A fighter in who spent their last years of their life learning how to maximize the powers they could draw out from their soul, using its powers to boost themself and honing it as best as they could without the help of blessings.

🌙 Silar

A part of the family who serves directly under the God of Moon. A resident in Souls Society.

⛅ Skychaser Crew

A delivery/exploration crew consisting of three crewmates who work for Souls Society.

🌿 Valei

A human with a close affinity to a god, who eventually became the third Life God.

🪡 Valens

A self-learned necromancer, who seeks to bring a dead god to life with her own hands. A resident in Souls Society.

🎣 Willow, the Lone Fisherman

A fisherman with little hope for life in general, and not much passion for anything. The closest thing to their passion was their desire was to sail far, far away into the oceans.