a header image, saying BNTarwarn. there's also a doodle of a little human character

A Pawn's Creations

A lonely, dysfunctional creator god begets dysfunctional creations.

A Pawn’s Creation(s) (or known as APC/APCverse/god hell)—is a fictional fantasy setting that revolves around the God of Creation and their creations—including gods, worlds, and mortals alike.

In the grander scheme of existence, the God of Creation is a mere pawn playing around with their own creations, letting the stories between their own creations unfold. Whether it’s a comedy, tragedy, or anything in-between among their own creations—Creation seeks to treasure them all within their own realm, as if it’s their very reason to continue existing.

This is a passion, self-indulgent project I develop during idle time. The project's information may be added/removed/changed anytime.

Check out the Questions section in my about page, for further notes on all of my works!

Basic Setting Introduction

The Pantheon Realm is a catch-all location for A Pawn’s Creation, since every gods and worlds reside within it.

Inside the realm, there are several worlds where mortals reside. Not every world is created equal, and there are several worlds that may not qualify for a dedicated page, or yet to be developed sufficiently enough to be included on this website.


Worlds (sometimes referred to as realms) are where things take place within. Each world is a self-contained place within the Pantheon Realm. Apart from being used as a home for mortals, gods may have their other uses for some specific worlds.

They can be roughly sorted into two big categories: Major Worlds and Minor Worlds. However, there are more sub-categories for the worlds, detailed in the Pantheon Realm page.

Major Worlds are the bigger self-contained worlds, mainly used as mortals' home. They're also places where most stories (between non-god characters, which makes the majority of the characters) take place at. At the time of writing, they include:

Pantheon Realm

The catch-all location for A Pawn's Creations, and where every gods reside at.

Sacred Earth

A world cleanly divided in six, taken care by most of the gods in the pantheon.

Lands of Equinox

The chaotic lands and oceans blessed with abundant magic, born from the conflicts between the two gods.

Fragile Dreamscape

A fragile and volatile world, held together by a god's existence and memories.

Paradise's Ruins

A world created from the ruins within the Pantheon Realm, filled with hazardous and destructive forces.

The Other Worlds

All the smaller/minor worlds are listed in this page!

(Technically speaking, the Pantheon Realm counts as the biggest Major World, too.)

On the other hand, Minor Worlds (sometimes referred to as mini worlds) are the smaller worlds. They're mainly created and used for specific purposes by the gods, whether to experiment with their own creations, to hang out with fellow gods, and so on. Though, these worlds can also house a few very specific mortals.

A list of minor worlds (+ potential major worlds in the future) can be found in Other Worlds page.


A term for the beings who reside in the Pantheon Realm, separate from the mortals. They can manipulate things in their domain to an extent, and they're often assigned (mostly by God of Creation) to manage and watch over the worlds.

You can read more about godhood in general here.


A term for every non-god characters who reside in each world, including humans, animals, anything that can be considered a character.

Despite the existence of characters who are technically considered 'immortals', if they aren’t a god, they’re still considered a mortal.

Continuity, and all Divergences (AUs and alike)

Most of the events that take place in APCverse follows a singular continuity/timeline, that can be read in the Timeline page. It keeps going on in a linear way, with no time-bending/travelling shenanigans affecting this continuity. Whatever happens within this timeline is mostly agreed to be everyone's reality.

However, alternative worlds/universes/timelines, what-if scenarios, and anything similar—can co-exist with the main, linear timeline. But they'll exist in a different, distinct timeline from the main one. Check out the worlds within Pantheon Realm for more details about stuff that deviates from the main timeline.

With the uttermost importance placed on the main timeline, it's pretty debated in-universe on whether the distinct, branching timelines/scenarios are worth being treated as real as the main one.

Getting Familiar with APCverse

Now that you've read the basics of APCverse, you can continue to read about APCverse in any order you want. However, I've compiled some stuff to help you (or anyone who's unfamiliar with APCverse) to get more familiar with the setting!

With how overwhelming APCverse can be, it may be easier to read about a certain aspect of the setting (whether it's a character or a story), and expand from there!

  1. Read the Content Warning page, to get a heads up on what's going to be featured in APCverse's pages.
  2. If you haven't read it (somehow), read the Setting Introduction to get familiar with the setting's foundation. You can also continue to the bottom of the page for additional catch-all information about the setting!
  3. To start somewhere, you can check out the Masterlist page and pick anything there that piques your interest, from any stories that catches your attention to any interesting character concepts. You can also check out the Suggested Reading List tab for featured characters/stories!
  4. Once you're at the page of a thing you're interested in, feel free to check out other characters/stories/other pages linked there!
  5. If you want to explore the rest of the world where the page takes place at, check out the breadcrumb links below the title! You'll see the link of the current page you're on, and from there, you can keep navigating backwards and explore the rest of the world!
  6. If you're lost, the Masterlist will serve as an index for everything in APCverse!
  7. And if you want to check out stuff like meta stuff or shitposts for APCverse—check out the Miscellaneous page! Or if you want to check out more lore tidbits, check out the section at the bottom of the page!

This is pretty much a curated list of stories/characters, mostly because they already have more substantial information to start with.

Feel free to use any of these as starting points (to get familiar with APCverse)!


🌌 God of Creation

The one who brings forth all that exists.

🩸 A, the Hope Bringer

An immortal human who resides in the Sacred Earth. A former Death god who was exiled from godhood yet cursed with immortality. Being one of the very few immortals, they remain in an awkward place between an ordinary human and a higher deity.

✨ Lumi, the Sharpshooter from the Stars

The one created by the two gods ruling the Lands of Equinox. With their powers, they're tasked to bring peace to the world riddled with conflict—to the point of becoming a powerful force of destruction akin to a natural disaster, feared by the mortals.

☀️ Cairn

A magic teacher who travels around the Zenith ocean, helping new wizards to get started with using magic and assisting them in magic utilization.

👁️‍🗨️ Vi, the Memory Keeper

The immortal who helps with maintaining the Fragile Dreamscape's existence, in hopes of helping its lone god out. A protector-like figure whose existence is more akin to a ghost rather than a mortal.

🐺 Lili, the Dream Devourer

The adoptive child of Vi, a literature student of Verdantia Academia, and one of the people heavily affected by the Behemoth phenomenon.

🖥️ Ark

A sentient android who's a manager of a formerly-abandoned apartment, located somewhere at the borders of the Mainland. A former sentient weapon who became a generous housekeeper by choice.


Consumed by the Waves

Interactive One-Shot story

Willow, a fisherman, has to go find a mermaid to use its meat to cure their mother's illness.

Doomed Omen

One-Shot story

Larion—an apprentice under the Moon God’s church—narrates their first meeting with an Angel of Apocalypse, which led them to a series of misfortune falling upon people around them.

The Starless Town

Storyline Concept

A storyline concept revolving around a resurrected wizard—Cairn—who wanted to figure out the story behind their murder, and a ghost who revived Cairn—Nydia—who also sought revenge for her murder years ago.

To Burn A God Down

Interactive One-Shot story

A vengeful outcast, cursed with the power of flames, seeks kill a god.

From the Nothingness

Story Collection

Just three gods fooling around, with hints of their own burdened feelings.

Team Tempest's Tournament Chat

Snippet in conversation log style (A part of The Performer Duelists' Shenanigans)

The duelists of Team Tempest gather at their workplace in the morning, chatting away and talking about the approaching tournament event.

Team Nimbus' Tournament Chat

Snippet in conversation log style (A part of The Performer Duelists' Shenanigans)

The duelists of Team Nimbus gather at their workplace in the afternoon, talking about the approaching tournament event (with usual team tension).


Tidbits and information that'll be useful to understanding the entire setting!

Small List

  • The terms Angels/Demons are used very loosely in APCverse. Most of the time, angels are used to refer to "a god's lackey who doesn't have the power to create stuff like the gods", while demons are used for, well, those who are demonized in APCverse.
  • Call of the Void (or any nicknames to a similar effect) is an uncommon phenomenon among everyone in APCverse, from gods to mortals alike, where they'd vividly perceive messages from seemingly an otherworldly source.
    • A lot of time, the messages can be traced back to the gods or anyone capable of Telepathy.
    • However, there are moments where the messager can't be traced back by the target's means, and they often assume the message to come from somewhere beyond them.
  • I haven't settled the canon name for this concept yet, but if the gods decide to group mortals raised in different worlds/time periods together for whatever reason, I usually refer to those events as "crossover events". Immortal Squad is a crossover event.
    • If a mortal can confirm the existence of other worlds out there, then congrats! They're a part of the crossover event now.
    • Immortal Squad is the only crossover group I have so far. I might make more crossover events in the future idk!!
    • tbh this is a thing in APCverse to curb my "wouldn't it be funny if these guys meet" urge.
  • Reincarnations/Expies are a pretty common concept in APCverse. Some may have canon reincarnation stories behind them, but some simply appear like another character from another world/time period by mere coincidence.

Wordless Telepathy

Also often referred to as telepathy.

Gods communicate through what can be best described as wordless telepathy, which is a main way to communicate in the Pantheon Realm. They may communicate with mortals through this method too, though an average mortal wouldn't be able to answer them with the same method (if they actually understood the message).

As long as the messager knows who they're sending message to, they can practically send "secret messages" to anyone, or send telepathic messages to anyone in spite of distance.

Rather than using a set language (that not everyone would know), the gods usually send "concepts" of a message through the telepathy first, evoking the ideas of said concept in the message receiver's mind, and the target will interpret the message they receive to the best of their ability. Making sure the recipent is conscious enough and making sure the recipent understands the message clearly are very important in sending a telepathic message.

More information on how the telepathy is used in Pantheon Realm can be read here!

How can a mortal use this?

A regular mortal can learn to better interpret telepathic messages on their own. But to send telepathic message to others, a god must first grant them the ability to do so. Once granted, a mortal can use the wordless telepathy to communicate with anyone anywhere.

Most telepathic messages often carry the tone and the mood of the message sender. However, one doesn't need to open their mouth to communicate this way.

(It may be easier for a mortal to speak their message out loud in their preferred language, and send the message's concepts to the receiver via telepathy. Or they can use their body language to accompany the message, too.)

If someone is fluent and adjusted to this method of communication well enough, they can appear as if they're speaking normally (while having their message understood by practically anyone).